multi led street

MLS - Multi Led Street

The “MLS” system is a system designed, manufactured and patented by Selettra S.p.a., multi LED with multi power supply and multi optics with sensorial control for external lighting fixtures.

Some of the advantages of a system that is always the same:

  • 3 equal components on all light centers;
  • Logic and architecture of the modular system, quick connection
  • Robust and solid, wired in IP66;
  • Muti optics, in the same device;
  • Quality retrofit, recovery of ornamental luminaires and street furniture;
  • Greater guarantees of functionality, thanks to the multi-lamp multi-power system;
  • System powered with three-phase voltage (400V);
  • Punctual luminous flux management;
  • Multiply your savings thanks to the distribution of operating hours;
  • Quality in light, environment, comfort and visual performance, 3000 / 4000K 80Cri;
  • Multiplies the luminous flux within the same fixture;
  • System that can be implemented in the future without replacing the device;
  • Energy always available thanks to the socket on the panel;
  • Detect your present thanks to the onboard detectors;

Integrated services for energy saving

Energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest and cleanest way to reduce energy consumption and achieve the goals of limiting the emissions of the gases responsible for the greenhouse effect and global warming.
Thanks to technological innovations and energy policy instruments put in place at Community and state level, there is now ample room to increase the level of efficiency in energy production and end uses.
Selettra, as an ESCo accredited company, promotes integrated energy saving services for public administrations and private companies. Each project developed to reduce energy consumption consists of an organized series of procedures and operations:

  • Energy diagnosis, to identify hypotheses of economically sustainable interventions, remove waste and inefficiencies.
  • Elaboration of an executive project, with an indication of the costs-benefits and the return on investment, including a plan for the management and maintenance of the systems.
  • Financial advice to identify possible financing solutions for interventions together with the client.
  • Energy requalification works;
    • installation of high efficiency thermal or cogeneration plants and / or RES plants for the production of clean energy;
    • insulation of building envelopes (coat, fixtures, etc.);
    • building redevelopment (e.g. removal of eternit);
    • high efficiency lighting with LED lamps;
    • regulatory compliance and plant safety..
  • Installation of “accessory systems” (remote sensing, CCTV video surveillance, video systems, LAN networks, WI-FI, etc.)
  • Optimization of energy supply contracts.
  • Plant management and maintenance, performed with modern techniques capable of ensuring an efficient and economic service.
  • Energy certification of buildings.

Selettra makes available to its customers the technological and financial knowledge acquired at 360 degrees, proposing innovative solutions and strategies for reducing the energy costs of the utilities.